Saturday, October 14, 2006

I'm dreaming of a White October...

It snowed on us today. It was beautiful. Especially since none of it stuck on the ground. Just thought you all would like to know.


Ruth said...

Seriously, it was SO exciting! Yep, it was the first time for me as an Aussie to see real snow falling and......*sigh*! I was jumping around like a kangaroo taking millions of pictures that didn't turn out at all but hey, it actually snowed!!! :) I'm glad it has finally snowed (well kinda snowed) because it's so jolly cold and I'm freezing here in Pennsylvania!! The snow makes it worth all the suffering though ;)

Anonymous said...

Isn't snow great? Wednesday evening we played softball in snow. I would have to say that was a first.

Anyway, I am excited to hear that things are going great and that Ruth likes snow and the jolly cold. HAHA!