Thursday, November 30, 2006


Well first off let me just say thank you to all of you who have been praying for our time here in Bolivia. WE appreciate your prayers so much. Well things have been going so well here. We arrived in La Paz two weeks ago and did some ministry there. We did a lot of concerts in churches and I enjoyed them so much. We then left for Oruro, a city smaller than La Paz but it is such a wonderful city. I personally loved our time there. We did a lot of outdoor concerts, which I have come to really enjoy. But we also did a concert in an old theatre which was used for church services. I think so far it is one of my favorite concerts. The people were so responsive to the message. After the concert I couldn´t stop smiling, I just had so much fun and I think the rest of the team did too. We stayed in Oruro for a bit and then traveled to Llallagua. It is a very small mining town. We did three concerts there. All of them were outside and two of them were in the main square. The concerts went great... people would just gather around and listen as we played for almost two hours. It was very cold both nights we played there, but the people stayed and listened. Afterwards I got the chance to talk with several young girls. A lot of them were from broken families and some had no family. I tried to encourage them as best as I could with the Spanish that I knew. I just pray that God continues to work in their lives. Yesterday morning we left LLallagua and traveled 8 hours in a bus to arrive here in Cochabamba. IT is much bigger here and very touristy. Today we actually have a day off to rest. Tomorrow we have 4 concerts and I am very excited.

Well other than that my Spanish is very much improving. I was definatley not fluent when I arrived here but I knew a bit. But now I understand mostly what people say and I am able to get around quite well. I love the language and the people here. Bolivia has a unique beauty that is hard to explain in words. It is simple and just so beautiful in its own way. I am falling more and more in love with the people here and I just pray that God continues to work here. Again thank you all for you prayers it means so much :)Well everyone stay well... I can´t wait to share more stories with you all when we get back to the states. Que Dios te Bendiga!! (may God bless you)


priscila said...

hola julie esoero estes bien eres una persona genial y gracias por venir a BOLIVIA fue un gusto mnuy grande el poder conocerte y compartir contigo eres una persona genial te quiero muucho

ianaTat Guerra said...

OK, creo que el primer comentario q dejé se borro (cosas del blogger)
Bueno, solo quería desearles que su estadía en Bolivia llene sus espectativas. Fueron una gran bendición cuando pasaron por la iglesia a la que asisto, un martes por la noche...
Esteré orando por ustedes, por que realmente son una bendición, y aunque no entiendo mucho ingles, su música llega al corazón.
Saludos desde La Paz y El Alto...
God bless you...(así se dice?)
Bueno, que Dios los rebendiga y les acompañe, Gracias por llevar a Cristo a las naciones. Son una inspiración para los jóvenes como yo.

Taty Paz

Anonymous said...

"Que Dios te Bendiga" as well. May God's Spirit continue to strengthen and encourage you, unite and protect you, and allow you the privilege of seeing His Kingdom in another part of the world. Lots of love from home.