Friday, November 20, 2009

Being Faithful

Sorry it has been so long in writing on the blog but we have been quite busy these last weeks. For the last 10 days or so we have been "living on the edge" of the statelines that is. :) Washington one day, Idaho the next, then back to Oregon, and back to Idaho for another concert. But thankfully amidst all this driving and traveling the Lord has kept us safe and has been choosing to use us for His kingdom work. The other day we were all in a coffeehouse and we began talking and sharing what the Lord is working in us. It was incredible to listen and reflect on the work the Lord is doing in us and through us. As I sat there, I was hit again with how this year really isn't about what we are doing but instead about being faithful to God's call and living our lives glorifying and praising Him. He has chosen to bring us to prisons, schools, churches, outreach groups, and college campuses in order to share His love with those He wanted to bless this tour. It always amazes me when I think about the fact that God chooses to use us despite the fact that we are broken and sinful people. We as a team have nothing in ourselves to offer but only God's love and His message of grace for everyone. May we be faithful in sharing that message with whomever God places in our path whether it's on-stage or off.

Tomorrow we are driving back to Montana and preparing for our last weekish of being on Fall Tour. Thanks so much for the prayers, support, and encouragement... it means so much to us all.

Faithfully Answering the Call,
Carrie (and 1421) :)

P.S. the photo just shows how we have been able to bask in the beauty as a team as well... God's creation is simply stunning!

Monday, November 09, 2009

On the road again!

Wow! Can't believe that we have already came back from Honduras and on the road again.

It's only been couple days since we began our tour, and God has already worked in amazing ways in and through our team.
We got to share the love of God with the kids at a detention center, worship with the ladies at a women's prison, celebrate Bo's return at his home church in WA, and see the world's largest buffalo. =)

Please keep us in your prayers:
-Health and safety: the weather is getting colder everywhere we go, and we still have long travel times here and there.
-Team unity: that we can be open to one another and love one another with the love from Christ.
-Focus: may we continue to focus on God, not on ourselves.

Thank you very much for all of your support! We can't do this without you!!!

And here's the world's largest buffalo:

Thursday, November 05, 2009

14:21 Off on Their Fall Tour

Team 14:21 left before dawn this morning on their Fall Tour. They will be heading to the Northwestern Part of the United States and spending a few days in Manitoba, Canada on this tour.

They will be doing quite a bit of driving over the next few days (They'll be in Spokane, Washington by tomorrow [Friday] evening!), so please remember them in your prayers!

Check back soon for updates on what God is doing in and through these team members on their Fall Tour.

- Paul, on behalf of team 14:21

Sunday, November 01, 2009

I know the thought that keeps running through my head is, "A little over a week ago, we were in Honduras." And now we're back in the US and about to leave for our Fall Tour on Thursday. Life is so crazy and it's all going by so fast!

I think my team would agree with me when I say that I don't want to forget the lessons that I learned overseas, and how my perspectives of so many things were enhanced. This year has a better definition to me now and I feel like God was taking me out of myself and replacing my own desires and love with His. To think that we were given the opportunity to go to Honduras at this time and play in so many schools, churches, a factory loading dock, the YFC camp and so many other places, is unbelievable, and I feel so blessed to have met the YFC staff that were huge examples of Christ's love to me, and to have experienced everything that God had in store for us there. We played 40 concerts, overall, in three weeks, and were able to share the Gospel at every single concert except for one. What else can we say? It's such a privilege to even call our God Father, and we know He is so good and gives such good gifts to His children. He is so faithful.

Even in times when we feel like we can't go on, that we are completely inadequate to share the Gospel or to be called His own, He gives us His strength, and we find joy in the Lord and in His promises, that He is always faithful and that He has chosen us to live for Him. That's why we live like we do, why we cry out for God's heart to replace our own and why we count everything else in this world as a loss compared the glory of knowing our Savior. We are set apart, renewed, and changed by His love that surpasses all others. In the process of seeking His heart, we find utter joy in Him. And we learn how to live and how to change. That's one of the many things that I learned in Honduras and not by my own actions, but by His grace. He keeps showing me what's really important in life, how I can be less and He can be everything, and then I learn how to seek His face more every day. His faithfulness surpasses our understanding-our God is so, so good.