Sunday, November 30, 2008


hey everybody! as many of y'all know from our profiles on the CTI website, Aaron and I are from the south (Georgia and Texas, respectively). therefore, i'm sure many of you can guess that for the past month, we've been FREEZING our butts off up here. we have not seen THIS much snow in YEARS! so today at Christian's hometown, there was a blizzard (our definition of a blizzard)! I was so excited that I asked Micaela to take pictures of me standing in the snow. according to the following video, that photoshoot did not go down as I had planned...

Monday, November 24, 2008

coming soon....

So, for all of you who are loyally reading our blog, we recognize that you've probably been dissapointed. We hereby apologize for the lack of blogging. Colin has been trying tirelessly to post his "Back from Taiwan" video, and Micaela is writing one as we speak (or, in your case, read). Either way, we promise that something will be posted soon. :) If nothing else, mother always said that waiting is good for you. It builds character! :) Think of how much character you'll have by the time you get the next post. Heheh. Seriously though, we'll have something up SOON. In the meantime, let us know how we can be praying for you. Leave us a comment under this post with prayer requests and we'll get on it. Thanks guys! And happy (almost) Thanksgiving!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

howdy y'all this is how's it going? we're doing good getting into the swing of things here in the state and it's going well. we've been in Iowa and Illinois and Indiana and Michigan ,yep all the I states (we'll work backwards to the G state no worries), we have had some great opportunities to play in Christian schools and churches, and as displayed in the picture to the left, this place called Mel Trotter ministries. Mel Trotter was amazing, we played for a group of at risk women and some children. So, as it turns out I am really bad at this "blogging" thing, but I hope I've hit some of the highlights. I want to say hey to all my host home families in Willmar and across the states, well from Iowa to Michigan anywho. not to mention a shout out to my family and friends back home... okbye.

Monday, November 03, 2008

hey all!

we are back from Taiwan and let me tell you it is quite a change to be in the states again. Less than two weeks ago we were in an apartment in Asia, and now we are at host homes in Iowa. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, but I'm sure after about a few days on the road I'll get back into the state side swing.
Anyway, a word on Taiwan, we stayed in a city called Don Shwei, it's about a half hour away from the capital, Taipei, really the whole area is like one big city. We played all over the Don Shwei/ Taipei area at all sorts of different venues. We got to tell many people the good news of Jesus and even though we weren't there for the harvest, we were used by the spirit to plant seeds.
Well thank you all so much for your support, and prayer, bye


Saturday, November 01, 2008

1421 departs for fall tour!

1421 pulls out of the driveway on their way to Iowa to start their fall tour.

Be sure to check out their booking schedule to see if they are coming to a town near you!