Sunday, November 30, 2008


hey everybody! as many of y'all know from our profiles on the CTI website, Aaron and I are from the south (Georgia and Texas, respectively). therefore, i'm sure many of you can guess that for the past month, we've been FREEZING our butts off up here. we have not seen THIS much snow in YEARS! so today at Christian's hometown, there was a blizzard (our definition of a blizzard)! I was so excited that I asked Micaela to take pictures of me standing in the snow. according to the following video, that photoshoot did not go down as I had planned...


Jon-Erik Schneider said...

lol oh stanley...

Carrie said...

we miss you and can't wait to see your beautiful faces, whether there is snow or not :) but i'm sure it'll only get colder from here on out not to freak you out or anything. happy driving!

Anonymous said...

Hey! If I would have known you were having a snowball fight -I would have joined in! It was so good to have you guys hang out all weekend - happy travels back home and have a blessed time with your families at Christmas.

Kendall & Juli

Kara said...

Stanley, I hate to break it to you, but a few inches of snow doesn't qualify as a blizzard... :)

Anonymous said...

stan... hilarious. bring some back to texas dude!

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have stayed longer to join in the fun. I had a great time hangin out with all of you. Laura and Micaela I really enjoyed your company over the weekend. I'm glad you stayed at my house!! I can't wait until I see all of you at your final concert. Have a great visit with your families during Christmas. I hope you returned to Willmar safely.

Tiffany said...

that. was. awesome.
thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

wow stanley.... thanks for the laughs